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Great BritainGreat BritainVodafone Group PLC

· London Stock Exchange
· Valuta i GBX
London Stock Exchange
I dag %
I dag +/-
Omsætning (Antal)
· London Stock Exchange
· Valuta i GBX
London Stock Exchange
· London Stock Exchange · Valuta i GBX
· Valuta i GBX
London Stock Exchange
Udvikling i dag
Omsætning (Antal)
2 dage siden56 min
0,045 EUR/aktie
Seneste udbytte
10,62 %
Direkte afkast



Seneste handel

Volumenvægtet gennemsnitspris
Omsætning (GBP)

Husk på, at en investeret opsparing kan gå både op og ned i værdi. Selvom opsparing i aktier historisk set har givet gode langsigtede afkast, er det ingen garanti for fremtidige afkast. Der er en risiko for, at du ikke får de investerede penge tilbage.


Ingen data fundet

Corporate Actions

Næste begivenhed
2024 Generalforsamling
30. jul.
3 dage
Tidligere begivenheder
2025 Q125. jul.
2024 Årsregnskab24. maj
2024 Q414. maj
2024 Q35. feb.
2024 Q214. nov. 2023
Data hentes fra Morningstar, Quartr

Relaterede Produkter

Der findes ingen Nordnet Markets Certificates med det underliggende værdipapir. Vis andre Certificates

Andre har kigget på

Nyheder og Analyser

Nyheder og/eller generelle investeringsanbefalinger eller et uddrag af disse på denne side og i relaterede links er produceret og leveret af den angivne leverandør. Nordnet har ikke deltaget i udarbejdelsen af materialet, og vi har ikke gennemgået eller foretaget ændringer i materialet. Læs mere om investeringsanbefalinger.
2 dage siden56 min

Nyheder og Analyser

Nyheder og/eller generelle investeringsanbefalinger eller et uddrag af disse på denne side og i relaterede links er produceret og leveret af den angivne leverandør. Nordnet har ikke deltaget i udarbejdelsen af materialet, og vi har ikke gennemgået eller foretaget ændringer i materialet. Læs mere om investeringsanbefalinger.

Corporate Actions

Næste begivenhed
2024 Generalforsamling
30. jul.
3 dage
Tidligere begivenheder
2025 Q125. jul.
2024 Årsregnskab24. maj
2024 Q414. maj
2024 Q35. feb.
2024 Q214. nov. 2023
Data hentes fra Morningstar, Quartr

Relaterede Produkter

Der findes ingen Nordnet Markets Certificates med det underliggende værdipapir. Vis andre Certificates


Deltag i samtalen med SharevilleBliv en del af vores forum for investorer. Følg andre, og diskuter aktier og fonde.
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  • 3. jul.
    Have any Vodafone owners here at Nordnet participated in the AGM? If yes, how did you find out about the shareholder ID which is mentioned in the AGM material at their website? 
    4. jul.
    4. jul.
    No problems! I strongly advice and ask you to put mail to Nordnet about the id. At least they get more pressure to get it done some point.
    18. jul.
    18. jul.
    I received a response and it makes sense. Nordnet owns shares outside of the Nordic countries via a third party (holding register or similar in English; in Finnish: hallintarekisteri). Their corporate action team is working to figure out how to make voting and participating possible. I cannot say I'm satisfied with the situation, but nevertheless, it is good to know the reason.
  • 15. maj
    15. maj
    17. maj
    17. maj
    Good start for the year. Comeback potential?
  • 30. apr.
    30. apr.
    Jeg har kigget på denne aktie i et stykke tid. Den har en utroligt lav p/e. Og p/b. Den har markant højere kursmål hos de fleste analytikere - fx har Morningstar et kursmål på 125 gbx. Jeg er med på, at det ikke er en vækstvirksomhed. Men værdierne i virksomheden tilsiger alligvel højere kurs, synes jeg. Hvad er det, jeg overser?
    13. jul.
    13. jul.
    Største risiko er vel valuta, kursmessig har den vel fått nok juling.
  • 16. jan. 2023 · Redigeret
    16. jan. 2023 · Redigeret
    Flere som kjøper her 😁 https://beststocks.com/welch-forbes-llc-makes-a-142000-investment-in/ *DURING THE SECOND QUARTER, Price T. Rowe Associates Inc. (MD) increased the percentage of ownership in Vodafone Group Public by 5.5% above what it was at the beginning of the quarter. Following the acquisition of 922,429 additional shares during the most recent fiscal quarter, Price T. Rowe Associates Inc. (MD) now holds 17,805,251 shares of the mobile phone carrier’s stock. The value of these shares on the market as of right now is $277,406,000. *During the third quarter, ACR Alpine Capital Research LLC expanded its holdings in Vodafone Group Public by 10.4% thanks to acquiring additional shares. ACR Alpine Capital Research LLC now has a total of 13,504,877 shares of the stock of the mobile phone carrier, which has an estimated value of $153,010,000 after purchasing an additional 1,270,320 shares during the most recent quarter. This brings the total number of shares the company owns in the mobile phone carrier to 13,504,877. *During the first three months of this year, Bank of America Corporation DE brought its total stake in Vodafone Group Public to a level that was 32.2% higher than it was before. The stock of the mobile phone provider is currently owned by Bank of America Corp. (DE), the company’s parent company. The most recent quarter saw Bank of America Corp. DE acquire an additional 3,207,740 shares, bringing the total number of shares owned by the company to 13,170,727. These shares are currently valued at $218,897,000. *Last but certainly not least, during the second quarter, JPMorgan Chase & Co. increased the percentage of Vodafone Group public shares it held by 24.0%. This is certainly not something that should be considered the least of JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s accomplishments. After purchasing an additional 1,255,489 shares of the mobile phone carrier’s stock during the most recent fiscal quarter, JPMorgan Chase & Co. now has 6,486,246 shares of the company’s stock in its possession. There is a total value of $101,056,000 attached to these shares. Institutional investors currently hold 9.03% of the company’s outstanding shares.
Kommentarerne ovenfor kommer fra Nordnets sociale netværk Shareville og er ikke blevet redigeret eller gennemgået af Nordnet. Det betyder ikke, at Nordnet giver investeringsrådgivning eller investeringsanbefalinger. Nordnet påtager sig ikke noget ansvar for kommentarerne.
2 dage siden56 min
0,045 EUR/aktie
Seneste udbytte
10,62 %
Direkte afkast

Nyheder og Analyser

Nyheder og/eller generelle investeringsanbefalinger eller et uddrag af disse på denne side og i relaterede links er produceret og leveret af den angivne leverandør. Nordnet har ikke deltaget i udarbejdelsen af materialet, og vi har ikke gennemgået eller foretaget ændringer i materialet. Læs mere om investeringsanbefalinger.
0,045 EUR/aktie
Seneste udbytte
10,62 %
Direkte afkast


Deltag i samtalen med SharevilleBliv en del af vores forum for investorer. Følg andre, og diskuter aktier og fonde.
Log ind
  • 3. jul.
    Have any Vodafone owners here at Nordnet participated in the AGM? If yes, how did you find out about the shareholder ID which is mentioned in the AGM material at their website? 
    4. jul.
    4. jul.
    No problems! I strongly advice and ask you to put mail to Nordnet about the id. At least they get more pressure to get it done some point.
    18. jul.
    18. jul.
    I received a response and it makes sense. Nordnet owns shares outside of the Nordic countries via a third party (holding register or similar in English; in Finnish: hallintarekisteri). Their corporate action team is working to figure out how to make voting and participating possible. I cannot say I'm satisfied with the situation, but nevertheless, it is good to know the reason.
  • 15. maj
    15. maj
    17. maj
    17. maj
    Good start for the year. Comeback potential?
  • 30. apr.
    30. apr.
    Jeg har kigget på denne aktie i et stykke tid. Den har en utroligt lav p/e. Og p/b. Den har markant højere kursmål hos de fleste analytikere - fx har Morningstar et kursmål på 125 gbx. Jeg er med på, at det ikke er en vækstvirksomhed. Men værdierne i virksomheden tilsiger alligvel højere kurs, synes jeg. Hvad er det, jeg overser?
    13. jul.
    13. jul.
    Største risiko er vel valuta, kursmessig har den vel fått nok juling.
  • 16. jan. 2023 · Redigeret
    16. jan. 2023 · Redigeret
    Flere som kjøper her 😁 https://beststocks.com/welch-forbes-llc-makes-a-142000-investment-in/ *DURING THE SECOND QUARTER, Price T. Rowe Associates Inc. (MD) increased the percentage of ownership in Vodafone Group Public by 5.5% above what it was at the beginning of the quarter. Following the acquisition of 922,429 additional shares during the most recent fiscal quarter, Price T. Rowe Associates Inc. (MD) now holds 17,805,251 shares of the mobile phone carrier’s stock. The value of these shares on the market as of right now is $277,406,000. *During the third quarter, ACR Alpine Capital Research LLC expanded its holdings in Vodafone Group Public by 10.4% thanks to acquiring additional shares. ACR Alpine Capital Research LLC now has a total of 13,504,877 shares of the stock of the mobile phone carrier, which has an estimated value of $153,010,000 after purchasing an additional 1,270,320 shares during the most recent quarter. This brings the total number of shares the company owns in the mobile phone carrier to 13,504,877. *During the first three months of this year, Bank of America Corporation DE brought its total stake in Vodafone Group Public to a level that was 32.2% higher than it was before. The stock of the mobile phone provider is currently owned by Bank of America Corp. (DE), the company’s parent company. The most recent quarter saw Bank of America Corp. DE acquire an additional 3,207,740 shares, bringing the total number of shares owned by the company to 13,170,727. These shares are currently valued at $218,897,000. *Last but certainly not least, during the second quarter, JPMorgan Chase & Co. increased the percentage of Vodafone Group public shares it held by 24.0%. This is certainly not something that should be considered the least of JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s accomplishments. After purchasing an additional 1,255,489 shares of the mobile phone carrier’s stock during the most recent fiscal quarter, JPMorgan Chase & Co. now has 6,486,246 shares of the company’s stock in its possession. There is a total value of $101,056,000 attached to these shares. Institutional investors currently hold 9.03% of the company’s outstanding shares.
Kommentarerne ovenfor kommer fra Nordnets sociale netværk Shareville og er ikke blevet redigeret eller gennemgået af Nordnet. Det betyder ikke, at Nordnet giver investeringsrådgivning eller investeringsanbefalinger. Nordnet påtager sig ikke noget ansvar for kommentarerne.



Seneste handel

Volumenvægtet gennemsnitspris
Omsætning (GBP)

Husk på, at en investeret opsparing kan gå både op og ned i værdi. Selvom opsparing i aktier historisk set har givet gode langsigtede afkast, er det ingen garanti for fremtidige afkast. Der er en risiko for, at du ikke får de investerede penge tilbage.


Ingen data fundet

Andre har kigget på

Corporate Actions

Næste begivenhed
2024 Generalforsamling
30. jul.
3 dage
Tidligere begivenheder
2025 Q125. jul.
2024 Årsregnskab24. maj
2024 Q414. maj
2024 Q35. feb.
2024 Q214. nov. 2023
Data hentes fra Morningstar, Quartr

Relaterede Produkter

Der findes ingen Nordnet Markets Certificates med det underliggende værdipapir. Vis andre Certificates